Monday, August 15, 2005

Wife out of town.

My wife and I just took a vacation to Salt Lake City. She left on Thursday night and I was to join her in SLC on Saturday night. Therefore, I had two nights to do whatever I wanted. Being 26 and in a new city with tons of stuff to do I had a lot of options. Festivals, university events, baseball games, golf, shopping, hang out at Best Buy and geek out over all the new stuff. So what did I end up doing? Happy Hour and the couch! I wanted to do other stuff but I just love Happy Hour, it's the best thing ever.

I end up at Buffalo Wild Wings in Gilbert for Happy Hour. I am a total cheap ass so I get two appetizers for dinner which ran around $5.00. I've been on this English/Irish beer thing as of late, so I order a black and tan. I remember sitting there thinking how great this was that I was having awesome beer and good food for cheap. Then I notice something very strange, the bartender is serving pint after pint of Miller lite. I hate Miller Lite, it's by far the worst beer on earth, plus Nick Lachey drinks it!! In SLC everyone drinks Bud Light and I never see that many people drinking Miller Lite unless they are gay or something.

I start watching the Diamond Backs game on TV and continue to monitor the massive Miller Lite consumption out of the corner of my eye. I finish my second black and tan and move onto the IPA. Happy Hour came to a close and beer was now full price. I ordered another IPA and was thinking the Miller Lite orgy should stop now that happy hour is over and the beer is full price.

I switch to Guinness and the Miller Lite keg is now blown and the bartender has to switch it out. I am almost banging my head on the bar trying to understand how so many people can be drinking this shitty beer. I order another Guinness and start thinking about my tab:
$5.00 food
3 IPA's
2 Black and Tan
2 Guinness
"I'm going to spend 30.00, shit!!"
I finish my second Guinness and now that I'm a little drunk I ask the bartender what the hell is going on with Miller Lite, "it's our beer of the month and it's only 2.00 for a 25 oz glass all month long" as she points to this huge ass banner hanging from the ceiling that I failed to notice. Then I say, "Hey bartender, can I get a Miller Lite."

I love beer, but I love money more!!


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Dharma and Greg Re-runs

I have grown up with re-runs my entire life: Sienfeld, Friends, I Love Lucy, Sex in the City, Simpsons. I loved these shows and often times loved the re-runs because it gave me a chance to see my favorite shows again. AGAIN is the key word here, most shows that go into re-runs are really great shows so everyone will watch them again and again. This brings me to the point of this writing.....Dharma and Greg!! If you don't know what Dharma and Greg is you have totally just proven my entire point and can stop reading this right now. The show is so effing dumb, I can't even watch it for more than 5 mins. Why the hell is it in re-runs? Obviously someone at the network realized it was totally stupid and took it off the air but why did they think it would be good on re-runs? Who watched this show in the first place? I never heard anyone say, "did you catch the new Dharma and Greg last night?" I don't even know when it was on, I never even heard of it until it was in re-runs. The entire premise is based on stereotypes and it's so not funny. I guess I can't be too critical since I can only watch the show in 5 min intervals, after 5 mins I get so pissed off at how stupid the show is and I just want to punch Dharma in the face so bad. Greg graduated from some ivy league law school and is some hot shot lawyer but when it comes to his wife he just seems to be the biggest pussy on the planet and a total idiot. If someone out there actually likes this show, you need to take a long hard look at your life and try to pinpoint the exact point at which you became a total loser.
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